Aashto pavement design software manual#
Surface - Provide a surface that is adequately stable so as to not deform under traffic load, is weather resistant, has adequate skid resistance, is adequately smooth and is sufficiently wear resistant.Ģ Function of the Pavement Structure Designer s Role Adequate Structural Design : Asphalt /aggregate thickness adequate for: Soil type and drainage expected loads, construction and long term Climate conditions Specifying appropriate combination of mix types, number of layers and layer thicknesses for: loads and speeds to provide smoothness and economy ODOT Construction and Material Specifications (CM&S) As modified in SS 800 current revision New edition for 2013 ODOT Pavement Design Manual Section 200, Pavement Design Concepts 300, Rigid Pavement Design 400, Flexible Pavement Design contains instructions on thickness Design, proper mix applications and layer build-ups. number of layers to facilitate stability, smoothness and economy of the appropriate mix types for each of the layers to achieve stability, smoothness and economy that complies with or exceeds the specifications for uniformity, smoothness and compaction(QC/QA and FQCS) Goals of Flexible Pavement Design and Construction: Structure - Provide a structure that has adequate strength to distribute the wheel loads to the soil without undue deflection, compaction or consolidation.
Aashto pavement design software software#
The MEPDG and accompanying software are based on mechanistic-empirical (ME) principles and are a significant departure from the previous empirically based AASHTO pavement design procedures. In 2008, the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials published the Mechanistic-Empirical Pavement Design Guide: A Manual of Practice (MEPDG) and released the first version of the accompanying software program, AASHTOWare Pavement ME DesignTM (formerly DARWin-ME) in 2011. Implementation of the AASHTO Mechanistic-Empirical Pavement Design Guide and Software